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The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has identified over 28,000 species at risk of extinction!
Meet the Endangered species
Each of the species represented by our 'Endangered' range is currently in a critical state in our world today. Click on the images below to learn more about the species we donate to...
Meet the Extinct species
We also love dinosaurs! Infographic pages for these guys coming soon!!!



Tyrannosaurus Rex


Check out our instagram feed for regular comic strips featuring all of our Endangered and Extinct teams
Every sale of plush from our shop will contribute to charities that specialise in raising funds and driving conservation efforts to benefit the endangered species they represent.
Our dinosaur range raises additonal funds that we donate to our annual nominated charity working in the fields of animal wellfare, habitat protection, anti-poaching and scientific research.
Last day of orders for Christmas Delivery 20th December 2023
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